April 8, 2009

Random Rant: Pleakley

(Its a bird. Its a plane. Its... GEISHA PLEAKLEY.)

Ok, so a few days ago I was watching the movie Lilo & Stitch with my niece and nephew. Its one of my favorite Disney movies but I don't think my nephew cared for it much (... kids today). Anyways one of the main reasons why I love it so much can be described with one word: Pleakley. He's quite possibly the greatest (and only) cross dressing cartoon alien the world has ever known.

I seem to have develop a mild fascination with him that has lead me to download the TV series and all 4 movies... I honestly had no idea that it even had 2 movies let alone 4, and I was only vaguely aware that it had a TV series (apparently it also has its own sub-anime series which is disgustingly cute and somewhat disturbing after the cute wears off). It just finished downloading today and I've been watching it nonstop... yes, it is silly and childish (which is why I love it).

(My my, such a..."pretty" lady)

Pleakley dresses as a earth female and poses as Jamba's "wife" for the whole series/movies. He sews his own clothes and basically never wears pants. He claims that his obsession with cross dressing is strictly part of his earth disguise as an "attractive earth female"... but the man owns a corset, he owns ladies underwear that nobody will ever see and he just so happens to claim that its part of his disguise.

(Weird disturbing anime ver.)

Jumba and Pleakley obviously have a thing for each other, after all they are "Auntie Pleakley" and "Uncle Jumba". They do go out disguised as a married couple and even share a room. I love watching them babysit Lilo and her always introducing them as her aunt and uncle. Surprisingly not as much fan fiction as I would have thought for such a canon pairing.

Also there's this one episode from the series that I found unexpectedly amazing! Its basically Pleakley's "Coming out of the closet" episode and its just crazy! Let me see if I can pull off an intense summary of what happened...


Pleakley's mother keeps calling him telling him that he needs to get married to a nice girl. He naturally doesn't want this and says that he's completely happy being single. Then his mother prearranges a marriage for him and all hell brakes lose. Lilo and Jumba tell him to lie saying that he's already engaged to someone else thus calling off the marriage. But then his mother and 2 siblings come to visit and meet his woman. He panics while Lilo lies saying that its her older sister whom Pleakley is marrying.

(Don't they look happy?)

Then after awhile Nani gets pissed off and leaves right before the wedding, leaving Lilo to find another bride for Pleakley ASAP!
Geeze, I wonder who she picked?


Haw! Pleakley looks much more comfortable with Jumba then he did with Nani... so they basically get married only to be interrupted at the kiss by Nami's boyfriend whom is still under the impression that Jumba is Nami (seriously?) and that he can't let her leave him for Pleakley. Then Jumba gets all pissed yelling that he interrupted the climax of the wedding ceremony... then giant aliens attack...

Some where in this Pleakley's mother found out that it all was a lie and is sad that her little boy isn't married and thus, well never be happy. Pleakley says that he's happy just the way he is and doesn't want to get married. He family sorta excepted this and went home... but not before Pleakley's mother pleads with her son to try not to wear female clothes so much anymore... the end!


:/ There's also an episode where everyone on the island falls in love with Pleakley too.

(This is everybody... in love with Pleakley)



  1. Nami´s boyfriend couldn´t tell the difference?!? God, kids today. I had no idea there were so many movies either. And an anime version? WTF? This was a great post, BTW

  2. Hello Kimbo, I am a 24 yrs artist from India. I am a very big fan of Jumba and Pleakley. I have the 2 movies and all TV series, but after reading your blog i was surprised to know abt part 3 and 4. I have no idea abt the 3rd and 4th part of the movies. And could not find the name or anything related to 3rd and 4th part. Can you please help me with the name and if possible any available download source?! thanks!!

    1. Lilo and Stitch, Stitch, Lilo and Stitch 2 Stitch has a glitch, and Leroy and Stitch.

  3. Why is the anime version disturbing? I don't see the difference XD

  4. this brought tears to my eyes, finally some recognition for my lad pleakley
